“BabyCool first products - puree cubes!”
Why frozen puree cubes? Freezing is one of the best ways to preserve food. By keeping vegetables and fruits in a cellar, they lose significantly more of their nutritional value than in a freezer. Frozen food stays good for at least two years and allows you to consume local garden produce all year round.
Preserving baby food by freezing ensures also that food only needs to be heated once during production. There is no longer a need to autoclave food, which in turn preserves greater nutritional value in the food.
If purees are frozen in cubes, you can choose a portion that is exactly the right size for the child to eat in one sitting. In addition, the various purees can be mixed or added to other meals so that your child can meet their daily meat or vegetable needs.
trout, grown in spring water without antibiotics, very high quality.
BabyCool’s only not organic product.
pear-strawberry and apple-blueberry (available mixtures due to ingredients acidity).
beef, lamb, liver, turkey
apple, pear
Puree cubes are frozen and needs to be stored at -18°C.
All products have a shelf life of 24 months.
Net weight 200 g.
Puree texture may contain smaller pieces.
Products are gluten and lactose free, no additives used, GMO-free.
How to Use BabyCool Puree Cubes?
Mix and match! Different cubes of vegetable, fruit, berry, and meat puree can be mixed together, or just used on their own.
Put a fruit or berry cube on porridge in the morning. The porridge quickly cools thanks to the cold cubes, and the cube melts quickly due to the hot porridge.
Puree cubes can also be offered without mixing – this allows you to give different vegetable, fruit, and meats to your baby. Doing this promotes the development of your baby’s taste buds.
Puree into pieces – to this you can add, for example, boiled buckwheat, groats or rice, as well as various vegetable pieces.
If possible, take the cubes out to thaw earlier, and heat the food either using the double boiling method, or by constantly stirring on a low heat. Using the microwave for heating the puree, be extra careful, because the puree heats up unevenly!
Puree cubes are ready to eat immediately after defrosting/warming. No more heating or pureeing is required.
After defrosting and heating, use immediately, do not re-freeze or re-heat.